To do… Use the command… Remarks
Enter one or multiple VTY user
interface views
user-interface vty first-number
[ last-number ]
Specify the password
authentication mode
authentication-mode password
By default, authentication mode
for VTY user interfaces is
Set the local password
set authentication password { cipher |
simple } password
By default, no local password is
Configure the user privilege level
for login users
user privilege level level
0 by default.
Configure common settings for
VTY user interfaces
See “Configuring common
settings for VTY user interfaces
When you log in to the device through Telnet again:
• You are required to enter the login password. A prompt such as <HP> appears after you enter the
correct password and press Enter, as shown in Figure 14.
• If “All user interfaces are used, please try later!” is displayed, it means the number of current
concurrent login users exceed the maximum. Please try later.
Figure 14 Configuration page