132 Hewlett-Packard Jornada 420 Palm-size PC
is always mapped to the two name fields in Schedule+ with
Name1 = Last Name and Name2 [Name3] = First Name.
If the name in the Phone Book data file does not have a
comma after the first word, you can choose one of two options
for its mapping:
Last name/First name - (default) Name1 [Name3] Name2
maps to Name1 = = Last Name and [Name3] Name2 = First
First name/Last name - Name1 [Name3] Name2 maps to
Name1 [Name3] = First Name and Name2 = Last Name.
In all cases, Last name is mapped to a single word, with any
additional words such as [Name3] becoming part of First name.
Mapping additions
If a field appears in the left column with no mapping (that is, no
arrow in the center column) select a field name from the
dropdown list of the Schedule+ field immediately to the right of
the field whose mapping you want to define. The field name
appears in the appropriate cell in the right column and a
mapping arrow appears in the center column.
Mapping changes
If a field in the left column is mapped to the wrong field in the
right column, change the mapping by selecting a different
Schedule+ field name from the dropdown list for the
corresponding cell in the right column.
Mapping removal
If a field in the left column should not be mapped to anything,
click None from the dropdown list for the corresponding cell in
the right column. The None option is not available for the Name
field. Translation status review After each translation is
finished, whether it completed successfully or was interrupted,
the results are written onto the Status screen. Click the Status
button on the Welcome screen to see the history of any
translations begun during the current execution of the HP PIM
Translation Utility.