
how to scan slides and negatives
This section contains information about setting up and using the transparent
materials adapter (TMA) to scan slides and negatives. You can use the TMA to
scan 35 mm slides or negatives.
tips for scanning transparent items
To scan items larger than those that the TMA accepts, place the
transparency on the scanner glass, place a white sheet of paper on top of
the transparency, and then scan as usual.
When scanning a 35 mm slide or negative, the scanner software
automatically enlarges the image to approximately 11 cm by 15 cm (4 by
6 inches). If you want the final image to be larger or smaller, use the
Resize tool in the scanner software to set the scaling to the final size that
you want. The scanner will scan the item at the proper resolution and
enlargement for the size that you select.
To scan 35 mm slides or negatives by using the TMA, press the S
ICTURE button ( ) on the front of the scanner, or click Scan Picture in
the HP Director.
set up the TMA
The TMA includes a light source, a positioning plate, and media holders that
are placed directly on the top of the scanner glass. Make sure you have all the
components of the TMA.
TMA components
1- Negative light shield
2- Negative holder
3- Positioning plate
4- Slide light shield
5- Light source and slide holder
to connect the TMA cable to its port on the scanner
1 Disconnect the power cable from the scanner.
2 On the back of the scanner, find the round TMA port.
3 Holding the TMA cable by its free end, align the connector so that the
arrow is on the top side.