Entering strings
SSH client support
The following SSH clients have been tested with the CLI. Others may work as well:
Entering strings
When entering a value that contains spaces, you must enclose it in quotation marks. For
example, if the command syntax is:
ssid <name>
you must specify one of the following:
ssid ANameWithNoSpaces
ssid "A name with spaces"
Context hierarchy
CLI commands are grouped into functional contexts. The following table shows the context
hierarchy and the command used to switch from the parent context.
Context hierarchy Command to switch from parent context
View context (This is the first context. No command is needed.)
Enable context enable
Config context config
WAN IP interface context interface ip
Port-2 interface context interface ethernet port-2
VLAN interface context interface vlan <id>[-<id2>]
Port-1 interface context interface ethernet port-1
VLAN interface context interface vlan <id>[-<id2>]
Wireless context interface wireless <number>
Local mesh context local mesh profile <name>
VLAN interface context interface vlan <number>
GRE interface context interface gre <name>
Virtual AP context virtual ap <name>
Syslog destination context logging destination <name>
SNMP user context snmp-server user <name>
SNMP notification receiver context snmp-server notification receiver <host>
RADIUS context radius-server profile <name>
IP_QOS context ip-qos profile <name>