
EN Left Margin Command 5-13
Left Margin Command
The Left Margin command sets the left margin to the left edge of the
specified column.
? & a # L
# = Column number
Default = Column 0 (Left bound of logical page)
Range = 0 - Right margin
The first column within a line is column 0, which is located at the left
edge of the logical page (the HMI setting defines the distance
between columns, which thereby defines the maximum number of
columns on the logical page). If the value field specifies a column
greater than the current right margin, the command is ignored.
Margins represent a physical position and once set do not change
with subsequent changes in HMI.
If the cursor is to the left of the new left margin, the cursor is moved to
the new left margin.
To set the left margin to column 5, send: