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Insufficient flow rate
Irregular pump running
Driver overloaded
Mechanical seal leak
Equipment vibration
Excessive pump casing temperature
Pump or suction pipe not completely filled - Check and complete filling
Air bubbles in pipes - Check and deaerate the pipes
Suction level too low - Check: the available NPSH > the required NPSH
- Reduce geometrical suction lift
- Reduce head losses in pipes and in fittings (diameter increase
and appropriate fitting positions)
- Check valves and strainers
- Check the immersion head of the suction valve
Wrong rotation - Reverse 2 phases on motor terminal boxes
The motor is running on 2 phases only - Check and control the motor electrical power supply
Motor running too low - Check the connection in the terminal boxaccording to the
Total manometric head system higher than
pump differential head
- Check the discharge head
- Check the head losses in discharge pipes (partly closed valve,
foreign particles, back pressure too high)
- Modify the installation or change the pump set
Total manometric head system lower than
pump differential head
- Throttle at discharge valve or trim the impeller (contact our
local agent)
Pipes (valves, filter...) - Control, dismantle and clean
Insufficient flow rate - Check the suction and discharge pipes (valves, back pressure)
Worn wear-ring surfaces - Foresee pump mending: CONSULT FLOWSERVE
Seizure, jamming - CONSULT FLOWSERVE
Excessive strains on flanges - Check the flange connections and eliminate strains (pipe
positioning or elastic sleeves mounting)
Defective mechanical seal - Check and replace all the mechanical seal parts
- Mechanical seal: CONSULT FLOWSERVE
Defective motor bearings - CONSULTFLOWSERVE
Specific gravity or viscosity of liquid too high - Consult our local agent to analyze the problem
Foundations not sufficiently rigid - Check the setting of baseplates: tightening, bad adjustment,
Insufficient pressure
Pump looses prime after starting
Rotation speed too low (check the driver) - Check the connection in the terminal box according to the
Presence of air - Check and deaerate
Suction pressure insufficient - Check: the available NPSH > the required NPSH
Mechanical defects - CONSULT FLOWSERVE
Air leak in the suction pipe - Check suction pipe is airtight
Restriction in suction pipe - Check diameter of suction pipe
Suction level too low - Check the available NPSH > the required NPSH
- Reduce geometrical suction lift
- Reduce head losses in pipes and in fittings (diameter increase
and appropriate fitting positions)
- Check valves and strainers
- Check the immersion head of the suction valve
Obstruction of suction pipe - Check condition of pipe
Defective gland packing on the shaft - Check and replace all the gland packing
- Mechanical seal: CONSULT FLOWSERVE
Defective gasket - CONSULT FLOWSERVE