
Optimizing Port Usage Through Traffic Control and Port Trunking
Port Trunking
Optimizing Port Usage
Through Traffic Control and
The show trunk command in this example does not include a port list. As a
result, the listing shows static trunk group information for all switch ports.
Figure 6-7. Example of a Show Trunk Listing Without Specifying Ports
Listing Static LACP and Dynamic LACP Trunk Data. This command
lists data for only the LACP-configured ports.
Syntax: show lacp
In the following example, ports 1, 2, and 3 have been previously configured
for a static LACP trunk. (For more on Active, see table 6-7 on page 6-25.)
Figure 6-8. Example of a Show LACP Listing
Dynamic LACP Standby Links. Dynamic LACP trunking enables you to
configure standby links for a trunk by including more than four ports in a
dynamic LACP trunk configuration. When four ports (trunk links) are up, the
remaining link(s) will be held in standby status. If a trunked link that is Up
fails, it will be replaced by a standby link, which maintains your intended