HP StorageWorks SN6000 Fibre Channel Switch Installation and Reference Guide 83
This glossary defines terms used in this guide or related to this product. It is not a comprehensive glossary
of computer terms.
Active firmware The firmware image on the switch that is in use.
Active zone set The zone set that defines the current zoning for the fabric. See Zone set.
Activity LED A port LED that indicates when frames are entering or leaving the port.
Administrative state Assigned state that determines the operational state of the port or switch. There are two
types of administrative states: the administrative state and the configured administrative
state. The administrative state is the currently assigned port or switch state, such as Online
or Offline. The configured administrative state is the state that is saved in the switch
configuration, which determines how the switch or port comes up after a reset or power
Alarm A message generated by the switch that requires attention.
Alias A named set of ports or devices used to make defining zone set membership easier. An
alias is not a zone, and it cannot have a zone or another alias as a member. See Zone.
integrated circuit (ASIC)
An integrated circuit chip designed for a specific application, such as a transmission
protocol or a computer.
Arbitrated loop A Fibre Channel topology where ports use arbitration to establish a point-to-point circuit.
Arbitrated Loop Physical
Address (AL_PA)
A unique one-byte value assigned during loop initialization to each NL_Port on a loop. See
BootP Boot strap protocol. A type of network server.
Buffer credit A measure of port buffer capacity, equal to one frame.
Authentication Protocol
An authentication protocol by which a device is challenged to verify its identity before
being allowed to log in to a switch.
CIM Common Interface Model
Class 2 service A service that multiplexes frames at frame boundaries to or from one or more N_Ports with
acknowledgment provided. See N_Port.
Class 3 service A service that multiplexes frames at frame boundaries to or from one or more N_Ports
without acknowledgment. See N_Port.
Common Information
Model (CIM)
A switch service that provides for switch management through third-party applications that
comply with the Storage Management Initiative–Specification (SMI-S).
Configuration wizard QuickTools wizard that automates the switch configuration process.
Device security A component of fabric security that provides for the authorization and authentication of
devices that attach to a switch through the use of groups and security sets. See Group and
Security set.
Domain ID User-defined number that identifies the switch in the fabric.
E_Port Expansion port. A Fibre Channel port that connects to another switch.
Event log Log of messages describing events that occur in the fabric.
F_Port Fabric port. A Fibre Channel switch port that supports a connection to a single server or
storage device.
Fabric device management
interface (FDMI)
An interface by which device host bus adapters (HBAs) can be managed through the
Fabric management switch The switch through which the fabric is managed.
Fabric security A feature that provides security for fabric users and devices, including user account security
and fabric services. See Device security and Fabric services.