Whenever you notice this problem, cancel the printing job immediately. Press the Cancel key and also
cancel the job from your computer application. Soaked paper can damage the printheads.
Try the following suggestions to avoid this problem:
1. Check that the paper type you have loaded corresponds to the paper type selected in the front
panel and in your software. To check on the front panel, use the View loaded paper key.
2. Use a recommended paper type (see
Order paper on page 104) and the correct print settings.
3. If using sheet paper, try rotating the sheet 90 degrees. The orientation of the paper fibers may
affect performance.
4. Try changing to a thicker paper type, such as HP Heavyweight Coated Paper, HP Super
Heavyweight Coated Paper, or thicker Digital Fine Art papers.
5. Try to increase the margins by relocating the image to the center of the page using your software
Ink marks on the back of the paper
This can happen after a lot of borderless printing, especially with non-standard paper sizes. Ink residues
on the platen are likely to mark the back of the paper.
Clean the platen with a soft cloth. Clean each rib separately without touching the foam between the ribs.
Edges of objects are stepped or not sharp
If edges of objects or lines appear to be poorly defined or lighter in density, and you have already set
the print-quality slider to Quality in the driver dialog (Mac OS Print dialog), select the custom print-quality
options, and try setting the quality level to Normal. See
Printing on page 41.
ENWW Edges of objects are stepped or not sharp 131
Troubleshooting print-
quality issues