The following step-by-step instructions for printing jobs that use specific software are similar to those at
the HP Knowledge Center on the Web. Consult the Knowledge Center at
Z6200/knowledgecenter/ for the most up-to-date information and for additional printing examples,
including RIP scenarios.
Resize an image with Adobe Photoshop CS4
Application settings
1. Open your image in Adobe Photoshop, and then select Image size from the Image menu.
The Image Size dialog box appears.
Set the sizing options.
Pixel Dimensions: Set the resulting image size
Document Size and resolution: Set the resulting page size and resolution. As a general
guideline, consider setting the resolution according to your print quality setting. Refer to the
following table for guidance.
Print quality setting Recommended resolution setting
Fast 300
Normal 600–900
Best 1200
For more information about the print quality setting, see Select print quality on page 82.
Constrain Proportions: Select this option if you want to preserve height-to-width ratio of
your original image
Resample Image: When an image is resampled, an interpolation method is used to
assign color values to any new pixels that Photoshop creates, based on the color values of
existing pixels in the image. Photoshop uses sophisticated methods to preserve the quality
Printing examples