Set The I npute Use this feature to give a name to any of the five video inputs.
E Setup
[ Magic Focus; ru_e up ]
[ set the Clock
liiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiik
Set Wttual _1_
Set B4ack Side F,_n_
Set Evet_t rirrrer
set CloSed c_pt_on
._Move _ Select ]
Press THUMB STICK •, W, <, I_, to highlight the name of the video inputs.
Press down on THUMB STICK to select desired input name.
Select RESET to set video names to original factory preset condition.
v_J_ o20AVR ODVD O_'Vl{2 OVCI{
V _J_ o30CAM ODVD20SAr O VCl{2
V_d_o4 OCB_ 01[_ OS[B
V_d_ O50CB[2 OPVR OS[B2
Video 2 Auto Link I Use this function to automatically turn the TV on and tune to Video2 when it detects a video signal to
input 2.
I set Lq_ V
Vid_ o20AV_ O I?V[_ O r,v_2 OVCI_
V_d_o'g ©C/_ ©{]VD2 ©SAt VCI_2
Vid_ o40CB[ OlD osrt_
Video! OCBI2 OPVF_ OS1t32 Or/_ _ t
[ _ Move _ _etull_
I s_t Th_ Input_ _
Use THUMB STICK "I, I_, • or Y, then press down on THUMB STICK to change AUTO LINK setting.
When AUTO is selected, the TV will turn on and tune to Video2 automatically, when the Video2 input device is turned on. This is con-
venient when you want to watch a movie with your VCR, laserdisc player, or DVD player.
When REMOTE is selected, the TV will turn on and switch to Video2 automatically when the Video2 input device is turned on and the
VCR, laserdisc, or DVD play button on your remote control is pressed.
This is convenient when you want to record a movie with your VCR and watch it later.
Select Off to disable this function.
Press EXIT to quit menu.
1. Once the TV has been turned on using the AUTO LINK feature, it must be reset before AUTO LINK is used again. To
do this, turn your VCR, laserdisc, or DVD player OFR This feature is now reset and will turn on your TV as described
2. When using REMOTE mode, any remote control button will substitute for your video input device play button.
However, intended operation is for use with your VCR, laserdisc, or DVD play button.
3. If no remote control button is pressed after the TV is turned on by AUTO LINK, the TV will automatically turn off after
three hours.
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