External dia. Code No.
1" (25 mm) 955994*
1-1/8" (29 mm) 955995*
1-1/4" (32 mm) 955996
1-3/8" (35 mm) 955998
1-1/2" (38 mm) 956000
1-3/4" (45 mm) 955154
2" (50 mm) 985380
2-1/8" (54 mm) 955155
2-1/2" (64 mm) 956002
2-9/16" (65 mm) 987009
3-1/8" (79 mm) 955157
3-5/32" (80 mm) 987010
3-17/32" (90 mm) 987011
3-11/16" (94 mm) 956004
3-15/16" (100 mm) 987012
4-1/8" (105 mm) 955159
Code No. Core bit size
956009 1-1/4" (32 mm) and 1-3/8" (35 mm)
955165 1-1/2" (38 mm) or above
2. Anchor hole drilling (Rotation + Hammering)
Adaptor for SDS-plus shank bit
(1) Drill Bit (2) Adaptor for SDS-plus
(SDS-plus shank) shank bit
(SDS max shank)
Code No. 313465
3. Large-dia. hole boring (Rotation + Hammering)
(1) Center pin
(2) Core bit (with guide plate)
*without guide plate
Code No. Core bit size
313466 1-3/8" (35 mm) or below
313467 1-1/2" (38 mm) or above
(3) Core bit shank (SDS max shank)
4. Drilling holes....For drilling metals and wooden
(1) 13mm drill chuck (2) Chuck adaptor
(13VLD-D) (SDS max shank)
(with chuck wrench)
Code No. 321813 Code No. 313468
(3) Chuck wrench
Code No. 930515
5. Bolt plaching operation with Chemical Anchor
(Rotation + Hammering)
6. Demolishing (Hammering)
(1) Bull point
7. Groove digging and edging (Hammering)
(Standard socket
on the market)
(1) Chemical Anchor Adaptor
(SDS max shank)
Square dimensions of the side
Code No.
of the socket installation
1/2" (12.7 mm) 313469
3/4" (19.0 mm) 313470
Overall length Code No.
11" (280 mm) 313471
15-3/4" (400 mm) 313472
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