GR2K-GA-0008 iii
Rev. 1.00
Release 1.00 (August 2002)
This publication contains the most current information available to date. As new and
revised sections are received, new updates will be distributed.
Notice: No part of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form or
by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopying and recording, or
stored in a database or retrieval system for any purpose without the expressed
written permission of Hitachi, Ltd.
Hitachi, Ltd. reserves the right to make changes to this document at any time
without notice, and assumes no responsibility for its use. All the features described
in this document may not be currently available.
Change Record
This manual presents simplified procedures for unpacking, setup and operating the
GR2000-B models. Before you begin to unpack and use the GR2000-B, read the
“Safety” pages at the beginning of this manual, which gives you directions necessary
to handle the GR2000 safely.
Information contained in this manual is subject to change without prior notice.
Date Description
1.00 August 2002 Initial Release All