Care and maintenance
Dishwasher salt
Check the LOW SALT indicator “ G” .Top up with salt, if
Regular inspection and maintenance of your appliance helps to prevent problems from occurring.This
saves time and aggravation.You should therefore carefully inspect the inside of your dishwasher from
time to time.
Overall condition of appliance
Check that no grease or scale has accumulated on the inside of the dishwasher.
If you discover any deposits:
Clean the interior of the dishwasher thorughly with a detergent solution.
Check the LOW RINSE AID indicator “ H ”, on the front
panel. Top up with rinse-aid,if required.
The filters “ 8”,“ 9” prevent larger particles of food in the
water from reaching the pump.These particles may occa-
sionally block the filters.
When the appliance has finished washing, check the fil-
ters for particles of food and, if required, clean.
After undoing the coarse micro-filter “ 8 ” , the filter unit
“ 9” can be removed. Remove any particles of food and
rinse the filters under running water.
Insert the filter unit “ 9 ” and tighten the coarse micro-