3 EN2R-9005 0406R3-NE
The L41../L61.. series aquastats are sensitive water tempera-
ture control, which are provided with a liquid filled sensing sys-
The following main types are available:
• Single, panel mount immersion
Aquastat with remote bulb to select the most favourable
position on a boiler or vessel.
• Single, direct mounted immersion
Aquastat with insulating cover to protect against accidential
touching of live parts.
• Dual, direct mounted immersion
Dual Aquastat and consisting of two basic single units,
which are mounted together and protected by one common
cover and using one well for the two sensors.
• Single, surface mounted
The sensor of this type is to be mounted directly on the
surface of a boiler or pipe in a heating system. The
Aquastat mechanism is directly attached to this sensor.
The L41../L61.. series aquastats are primarily designed for
application on water filled heating systems and systems for hot
water supply, mainly domestic use.
The L41../L61.. series aquastats can be divided in the
following main types:
• Controller
Controls the water temperature in accordance with the
setting of an external knob (TÜV-type TR)
• Recycling limit control
Limits the water temperature below or above an adjusted
level and resets automatically. This type has a greater
differential and no external knob (TÜV-type TW).
• Thermal cut-out with external reset button
(manual reset)
Limits the water temperature on a maximum adjusted level.
This type does not reset automatically and it does not have
an external knob.
• Thermal cut-out with internal reset button (tool reset)
Limits the water temperature on a maximum adjusted level.
This type does not reset automatically and it does not have
an external knob.