8 - 15
W - Histogram Ship
A histogram gives a quick picture of the tonal range of an image, or key type.
A low-key image has detail concentrated in the shadows; a high-key image
has detail concentrated in the highlights; and an average-key image has detail
concentrated in the midtones. This modifier ships the histogram for an image.
0W Don’t ship histogram
1W Ship histogram
Image Size Compatibility
If you prefer that an image ship returns images at the sensor’s native resolution
(752x480 pixels for the 5X00 engine, 640x480 pixels for the 4X00 engine), scan
the Native Resolution code. If you have an image scanner with a 4X00 image
engine and have designed applications that expect an image ship to return
exactly 640x480 pixels, scan the Force VGA Resolution bar code. Refer to
"Show Software Revision"
on page 11-2
for information on determining the
engine in your unit.
Default = Force VGA Resolution
Intelligent Signature Capture - IMGBOX
IMGBOX allows you to configure the size and location of a signature capture
area relative to its proximity to a bar code. This allows you to tailor a signature
capture area to a specific form. In order to use IMGBOX, you need a set form
where the signature box location is in a known location relative to a bar code.
You can input the overall size of the signature area, as well as specify how far
Image used for histogram: Histogram of image at left:
* Force VGA Resolution
Native Resolution