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The table below list the indication and cause of the LED illumination and beeps
for the 2020.
Image Scanner Modes
The 4820 is capable of working in single image scanner mode, multiple image
scanner mode, or with Bluetooth devices, other than the 2020 base.
Unlinking the Image Scanner
If the base has an image scanner linked to it, that image scanner must be
unlinked before a new image scanner can be linked. Once the previous image
scanner is unlinked, it will no longer communicate with the base. To unlink an
image scanner from the base, scan the Unlink Image Scanner bar code below.
Single Image Scanner Operation
There are two link modes to accommodate different applications: Locked Link
Mode and Open Link Mode. Scan the appropriate bar codes included in the
Open Link and Locked Link Mode explanations that follow to switch from one
mode to another.
Default = Locked Link Mode
System Condition System Status Indicator (Red LED)
Power On/System Idle LED is on
Receiving Data (2020 only) Blink LED for short duration in multiple pulses.
Occurs while transferring data to/from the RF
module or the Host port.
Base requests status from
its own Bluetooth radio
Blink LED once (occurs approx. every 30 sec-