9 - 8
character. The image scanner transmits the OCR data without the check char-
acter data. You must specify the location of the check character in the template
with a c.
Example: You need to read any combination of seven digits, with a modulo 10
check character in the eighth position. The template would be:
To create this template, you would enable the OCR-A font. Scan the Modulo
10 Check Character symbol. Then scan the Enter OCR Template symbol,
and scan the d from the OCR Programming Chart seven times, and scan the
c once. Scan Save OCR Template (page 9-13). This template will let you
read any combination of six digits with a correct check character after. (If the
check character is invalid, data is discarded.) For example, the following
string could be scanned:
and the output would be: 0123456
OCR Modulo 10 Check Character
Scan this symbol to program the OCR template for a simple modulo 10 check-
sum of the digits 0 through 9.
OCR Modulo 36 Check Character
Scan this symbol to program the OCR template for a simple modulo 36 check-
sum of the digits 0 through 9 and the letters A through Z.
OCR User-Defined Check Character
You can customize the check character calculation to suit your application.
Each character of the check character alphabet can be programmed in its
proper order. The number of characters you enter determines the modulo value
OCR Modulo 10 Check Character
OCR Modulo 36 Check Character