63-4526—01 2
The following configuration parameters are specifically provided as standard on all TB7200 and TB7300 Series thermostats.
They are associated with the advanced occupancy functionality introduced with the addition of a PIR cover or a remote PIR
sensor. These parameters will allow the installer to set the thermostat occupancy functions exactly as required by the application.
Their functionality only becomes active if a PIR occupancy sensor cover is connected or one of the binary/digital input is
configured to use a remote PIR sensing device.
PIR Cover OS Number Description
Compatible with the
Following Thermostats
TB-PIR-FCU-C PIR cover with Commercial FCU interface TB73x0X5014(X)
TB-PIR-FCU-L PIR cover with Hotel/Lodging interface TB73x5X5014(X)
TB-PIR-ZN PIR cover for zoning thermostats All TB7200 Series
Configuration Parameter Description of Configuration parameter
BI or DI input door setting
Default: None for no function used
It is possible to configure some of the digital or binary inputs to effectively use the
advanced functions allowed by the installation of a door switch contact. This function is
mostly used with fan coil units in lodging applications
When a door contact is used and configured, the Stand-By timer is no longer active.
The occupancy toggle between occupied and stand-by is now dictated by both the door
contact and the PIR cover.
• Movement detected by the PIR cover = Always occupied
• Door opens / closes detected by the door switch = Stand-by mode
Stand-by Heating Setpoint:
Default: 69 °F (20.5 °C)
This parameter sets the stand-by heating setpoint value.
The set value of this parameter should reside between the occupied and unoccupied
heating setpoints and make sure that the difference between the stand-by and occupied
value can be recovered in a timely fashion when movement is detected in the zone.
Adjustable from 40 to 90 °F ( 4.5 to 32 °C ) in 0.5 degree increments.
Stand-by Cooling Setpoint:
Default: 78 °F (25.5 °C)
This parameter sets the stand-by cooling setpoint value.
The set value of this parameter should reside between the occupied and unoccupied
cooling setpoints and make sure that the difference between the stand-by and occupied
value can be recovered in a timely fashion when movement is detected in the zone.
Adjustable from 54 to 100 °F ( 12.2 to 37.8 °C ) in 0.5 degree increments.
Stand-by Time:
Default 0.5 hours
This parameter sets the time delay between the moment where the PIR cover detected
the last movement in the area and the time which the thermostat stand-by mode and
setpoints become active.
Adjustable from 0.5 to 24 hours in .5hr increments
Unoccupied Time:
Default 0.0 hours
If no movement is detected in the area and the current mode is stand-by, this parameter
will then set the time delay between the moment where the thermostat toggles to stand-
by mode and the time which the thermostat unoccupied mode and setpoints become
The factory value or 0.0 hours: Setting this parameter to its default value of 0.0 hours
disables the unoccupied timer. This prevents the thermostat from drifting from stand-by
mode to unoccupied mode when PIR functions are used
Adjustable from 0.0 to 24 hours in .5hr increments