
19 69-2072—05
Advanced programming
Setup functions Settings & Options (factory default in bold)
85 Hum Service Timer 0,1,3,6,12 (months intermittent)
90 Hum Water Filter Service 0,1,3,6,12 (months intermittent)
95 Air Filter Service Timer 0,1,3,6,12 (months continuous)
100 Vent Filter Service Timer 0,1,3,6,12 (months continuous)
105 Vent Service Type 0=Clean ventilation filter
1=Change ventilation filter
110 UV Bulb Service Reminder 0,6,12,24 (months continuous)
115 Vent Options 0=No vent installed
1=Ventilation using VENT contacts
2=Ventilation using VENT contacts for high speed and
DEHUM contacts for low speed (only if dehum not
3=Ventilation using VENT contacts and DEHUM contacts
activated together (auxiliary ventilation device such as
exhaust fan)
120 Vent Operation 0=Vent forces HVAC fan on
1=Vent operates independent of HVAC fan
125 Programmed Vent 0=OFF; 1=ON
130 Program Start Time
(appears only if ISU125=1)
15 min increments
5:00 PM
135 Program End Time
(appears only if ISU125=1)
15 min increments
9:00 AM
140 ASHRAE: # of Bedrooms 1-6 bedrooms; 2
145 ASHRAE: Home’s Sq Ft 10=1,000 Sq Ft; up to 50=5,000 Sq Ft
69-2072_C.indd 19 7/31/2008 2:04:28 PM