65-0228—3 4
Network with Maximum of 198 Subnetworks
The open NIU slots can be used for other QS7800 ControlBus™ Module Cards.
Network with Maximum of 222 Subnetworks
NOTE: For networks that have more than 198 subnetworks,
the last NIU card slot must have the 199th through
222nd subnetwork attached to it.
The open NIU slot can be used for other QS7800 ControlBus™ Module Cards.
The S7810B Multi-Drop Switch Module has two
communications ports. One communications port allows
communication on a local bus that contains a burner controller
and a keyboard display module(s) and/or an expanded
annunciator. The other communications port is an addressed
switched port which, when switched on by the QS7800B
ControlBusª Module, communicates data from the local bus to
the multi-drop bus. The S7810B also provides a +13 Vdc
output for power to a remote Keyboard Display Module and an
input for a remote reset switch.
A MODE light emitting diode (LED) provides status information
through several blinking patterns. The patterns repeat every
1.6 seconds. See Table 2.
NIU Slot Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Number of Subnetworks 61 61 61 15 Open Open 198
Subnetworks Balanced 33 33 33 33 33 33 198
NIU Slot Numbers 1 2 3 4 5 6 Total
Number of Subnetworks 61 61 61 15 24 Open 222
Subnetworks Balanced 40 40 40 39 39 24 222