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Output Settings Section (continued)
Reheat Type
• Float Periph Then Reheat – There is a modulating valve for the VAV Terminal reheat and a modulating
valve for the space peripheral reheat. This option uses the series 60 type floating control for both valve
outputs. The peripheral valve is modulated as the first stage of reheat and the VAV Terminal reheat valve
is modulated open as the second stage. Four triac outputs are required for this option.
• PWM Reheat – There is a modulating valve for the VAV Terminal reheat. This option uses Pulse Width
Modulation control for the output to the valve. One triac output is required for this option.
•PWM Periph – There is a modulating valve for the space peripheral reheat. This option uses Pulse Width
Modulation control for the output to the valve. One triac output is required for this option.
• PWM Reheat Then Periph – There is a modulating valve for the VAV Terminal reheat and a modulating
valve for the space peripheral reheat. This option uses Pulse Width Modulation control for both valve
outputs. The VAV Terminal reheat valve is modulated as the first stage of reheat and the peripheral reheat
valve is modulated open as the second stage. Two triac outputs are required for this option.
• PWM Periph Then Reheat – There is a modulating valve for the VAV Terminal reheat and a modulating
valve for the space peripheral reheat. This option uses Pulse Width Modulation control for both valve
outputs. The peripheral valve is modulated as the first stage of reheat and the VAV Terminal reheat valve
is modulated open as the second stage. Two triac outputs are required for this option.
• Three Stage Reheat – There are three stages of electric reheat associated with the VAV Terminal. Three
triac outputs are required for this option.
Fan Type Defines the type of fan associated with the VAV Terminal. The selection of the fan type defines the control
algorithm that the controller will apply to the VAV Terminal.
Valid selections for this field are:
•No Fan – There is no fan associated with this VAV Terminal.
•Series Fan – The fan supplied with this VAV Terminal is a series style configuration.
• Parallel Fan Temp – The fan supplied with this VAV Terminal is a parallel style configuration that will use
temperature control for the fan operation.
• VavParallelFlowControl – The fan supplied with this VAV Terminal is a parallel style configuration that
will use flow control for the fan operation.
•PWM Fan – The fan supplied with this VAV Terminal is a parallel style configuration that will use
temperature control for the fan operation with a PWM signal to operate the fan.
Defines the type and operation of outputs that are not directly associated with the control algorithms in the
VAV2 controller.
There are two basic types of outputs that can be defined and only one instance of each type is allowed.
Aux Option - This defines an output type that is energized whenever the controller is in the occupied mode
and is de-energized for all other modes.
Valid selections for this field are:
• Unassigned – This option output is not assigned to the controller.
• Auxiliary_Maintain – This selection assigns one triac output for the auxiliary point.
• Auxiliary_Pulse – This selection assigns two triac outputs for the auxiliary point. The controller
momentarily pulses one output for the on command and the second output for the off command.
Free Option - This defines an output type that is energized through the network variable DestFree. With this
assignment an output point within the VAV controller can be commanded from another LON device.
Valid selections for this field are:
• Unassigned – This option output is not assigned to the controller.
• Free_Net_Maintain – This selection assigns one triac output for the Free point.
• Free_Net_Pulse – This selection assigns two triac outputs for the Free point. The controller momentarily
pulses one output for the on command and the second output for the off command.
Table 62. Excel 10 VAV II - Configuration Parameters. (Continued)
Name Definition