Charge or Recharge the Main Battery
Warning. Only useHoneywell batteries as replacements:MX3A378BATT/158224-0001
Note: The MX3Plus Battery Charger is designed for an indoor, protected environment.
New batteries must be fully charged prior to use.
The main battery can be recharged in an AC powered Battery Charger after the battery has been removed from the MX3Plus or
its packing material when new.
The main battery while in the MX3Plus can be recharged using several different methods.
Note: An external power source is required before the main battery in the MX3Plus will recharge.
The main battery can be recharged while it is in the MX3Plus:
l by docking the MX3Plus in a powered desk cradle
l by docking the MX3Plus in a powered vehicle cradle
Note: An uninterrupted external power source (wall AC adapters) transfers power to the computer’s internal charging
circuitry which, in turn, recharges the main battery and internal battery. Frequent connection to an external power
source, if feasible, is recommended to maintain internal battery charge status as the internal battery cannot be
recharged by a dead or missing main battery.