
SDC / DHC Technical data
EN2H-0221GE51 R0808 251
8.1.1 Installation recommendations
Mains voltage lines
(mains connection, burners, pumps, servo motors):
Diameter 1.5 mm
Max. permissible length No limit for installation in buildings.
Safety low-voltage lines
(sensors, ext. switches upon demand via switching contact, modem connection lines, analog
signal lines etc.)
Diameter 0.5 mm
Max. permissible length 100 m (looped circuit); longer connection lines should be avoided
to prevent the risk of interference
Data bus lines
Diameter 0.6 mm
Max. permissible length 50 m (looped circuit, longest distance between a central device
and a device to be supplied); longer connection lines should be
avoided to prevent the risk of interference.
Recommended layouts J-Y(St)Y 2 x 0.6
8.2 Sensor resistance values
8.2.1 NTC 20
For outside sensor (OT), heat generator sensor (BLRS/BS), tank
sensor (DHWS), mixed heating circuit 1 flow sensor (VF1), mixed
heating circuit 2 flow sensor (VF2), variable input 1 (VI-1) (setting
not for exhaust gas sensor), variable input 2 (VI-2), variable input 3
(VI-3), collector tank/buffer sensor (SBUS).
°C k °C k °C k °C k
–20 220.6 0 70.20 20 25.34 70 3.100
–18 195.4 2 63.04 25 20.00 75 2.587
–16 173.5 4 56.69 30 15.88 80 2.168
–14 154.2 6 51.05 35 12.69 85 1.824
–12 137.3 8 46.03 40 10.21 90 1.542
–10 122.4 10 41.56 45 8.258 95 1.308
–8 109.2 12 37.55 50 6.718 100 1.114
–6 97.56 14 33.97 55 5.495
–4 87.30 16 30.77 60 4.518
–2 78.23 18 27.90 65 3.734