
49 EN2Z-0906GE51 R0708
a. Check Enable if you want the supervisor ARENA enable to receive alarms
via the iLON 10 on the remote site.
b. Uncheck Enable if you not want the supervisor ARENA to receive alarms.
Checking Enable is necessary if you want to customize the iLON 10 by
overwriting the default configuration with the settings entered in Outgoing
connection to Remote Site. Unchecking Enable is recommended if you
want to view the site without the necessity of changing the iLON 10
7. Under iLon 10 Settings, you can configure the iLON 10 by doing one of the
a. In User Name enter the user name which the iLON 10 uses to allow HTTP
access. This information is needed to allow ARENA making configuration
changes to the iLON 10. In the iLON 10 configuration (section "Security"),
this setting will be stored as user name for HTTP access.
b. In Password enter the password which the iLON 10 uses to allow HTTP
access. This information is needed to allow ARENA making configuration
changes to the iLON 10. In the iLON 10 configuration (section "Security"),
this setting will be stored as password for HTTP access.
c. To set the iLON 10 to factory default, click Factory default icon
d. To configure the iLON 10, click Advanced icon
which shows the iLON
10 configuration pages.
Do not change configuration settings here, unless absolutely necessary.
Refer to the "Cross Reference of iLON 10 Settings and ARENA Settings"
section. The settings have to match, otherwise, the supervisor ARENA
cannot contact the iLON 10.
8. Click OK button.
The iLON 10 configuration data are sent to the iLON 10. Note that only if the