1. Mount it as far as possible upstream from the air
2. Install a standard disposable furnace filter between the
humidifier and the air cleaner to trap water droplets
and hard water salts.
3. Frequently clean the air cleaner to prevent a hard
water salt buildup.
NOTE: The volume of water that passes through an
atomizing humidifier can overload the air
cleaner, resulting in hard water salts being
deposited as dust in the living space.
Applications with an Activated Carbon Filter
An activated carbon (charcoal) filter can be used to remove
odors or other gaseous contaminants (not particle-based)
that are not removed by the air cleaner. Locate the carbon
• Downstream from the air cleaner. This means that dust
from the carbon filter will not be collected by the air
cleaner and will be deposited in the living space.
• Outside the air cleaner cabinet. Some carbon filters are
combustible and contact with high voltage could result in
smoke or fire.
• Where carbon granules cannot fall into the electronic cell.
If necessary, use a disposable furnace filter between the
carbon filter and the electronic cell.
• With proper transitions, if the activated carbon filter
requires a differently sized duct than the air cleaner. Allow
20 degrees expansion per side, per fitting.
NOTE: Honeywell does not offer carbon filters. Refer to
an activated carbon filter manufacturer for sizing
and application.
Applications with Outdoor Air Intake
Return air temperature must be at least 40°F (4°C). Lower
temperatures can cause ionizer wire failure. If outdoor air is
used, warm it upstream from the air cleaner by:
• Making sure the outdoor intake is far enough upstream
from the air cleaner so the return and outdoor air is
thoroughly mixed. Stratified air can dump a stream of very
cold air into one section of the air cleaner.
• Adding baffles upstream from the air cleaner to force
thorough air mixing.
• Installing a Honeywell Home Ventilation System that
transfers up to 80 percent of the heat from the exhaust air
to the incoming outside air. This keeps the incoming air
above 40°F (4°C) and reduces energy usage.
• Installing a preheater if large amounts of outdoor air are
used. The preheater, which could be an electric strip
heater or hot water coil, should be controlled by a
thermostat. Hot water or steam coils should be protected
by a freeze-up control.
Optional W8600F Air Cleaner Monitor
The terminal board is recessed slightly so it or the wires will
not interfere with installation. The entire power supply box
can be unplugged and removed to provide access to the
terminals. The W8600F Air Cleaner Monitor can be mounted
in the living area or in the furnace room. It should be located
in a convenient location to observe the display.
Optional W8600A AIRWATCH™ Indicator
The W8600A can be mounted next to the thermostat or in
any other location in the living area of the home where the
display can be conveniently observed. No wiring is
Choose Location
Choose a location that is readily accessible for regular
inspection and cleaning. Allow at least 13 in. (330 mm) in
front of the access door for removing the prefilter and
electronic cell. Allow enough room above the power supply
so it can be serviced without removing pipes, ducts, or other
heating system components.
The air cleaner must be installed where the temperature will
not exceed 40° to 125°F (4° to 52°C).
Choose Mounting Position
Heavy Equipment.
Can cause injury or equipment damage.
Do not mount the air cleaner with the access door
facing down. If the access door faces down, the latch
may not hold, and the cell and prefilter can fall
unexpectedly. Also, nothing holds the cell and
prefilter in place when the access door is opened.
The air cleaner can be mounted in any position except with
the access door facing down. Following is a list of air cleaner
mounting positions for a variety of furnace installations.
NOTE: At least 13 in. (330 mm) clearance is required
between the access door and any obstructions
for cell and prefilter maintenance.
— Upflow “Highboy” furnace: Side installation; air cleaner is
mounted vertically where return enters side inlet of
furnace. See Fig. 3A.
— Upflow “Highboy” furnace: Installation beneath furnace
(air cleaner cabinet can easily support weight of furnace
and air conditioner coil). Air cleaner is mounted
horizontally where return enters from below. See Fig.
— Upflow “Highboy” furnace: Closet installation. Air cleaner
is mounted vertically on furnace between furnace and
louvered return air opening in closet door. See Fig. 3C.
—“Lowboy” furnace: Air cleaner is mounted horizontally in
return plenum just above furnace, opposite of supply
plenum. See Fig. 3D.
— Downflow “Counterflow” furnace: Air cleaner is mounted
horizontally in return duct or plenum just above furnace.
See Fig. 3E.
— High capacity system: Two or more air cleaners can be
used together. See Fig. 3F.
— Horizontal furnace: Air cleaner is mounted vertically
where return enters. See Fig. G.