
Message Prompt Explanation
LIVEUPDATE COMPLETED This indicates that the 'live configuration update' operation to the
MAXPRO-Net Server is complete. The operator can resume his
control on the system.
8.3 SCAN
Message Prompt Explanation
Not while scanning Before selecting a camera to this monitor, the current scan
sequence must be halted.
Invalid sequence The scan sequence requested is not valid. Try a different scan
sequence number instead.
Scan seq (xx) This is the currently active scan sequence number.
Scanning The scan sequence is now running.
Scan denied The keyboard operator does not have access to this scan
Scan halted The monitor has been released from the scan sequence. You can
now manually select cameras to the monitor.
Scan paused The scan sequence is now paused. You can now step manually
forwards and backwards through the sequence.
Set scan The scan sequence is now in SET mode. It can now be edited.
Unable to set The scan sequence cannot be put into SET mode. It must be
paused first, or another operator is already manually using the
scan sequence.
Set scan - denied This keyboard operator does not have access to the SET scan
Set scan - locked This scan sequence has been locked. Its list of cameras cannot be
End of sequence You have stepped to the last entry currently used in the scan
Unable to pause The scan sequence cannot be paused. It is already being paused
by another operator on another monitor. It cannot be manually
stepped until the other operator has finished.
Tour seq(xx) This is the currently active guard tour sequence number.
Tour denied The keyboard operator does not have access to this tour
Rev. A 8-3 HMXMU001056