
Operating Manual
69-2222ES—07 18
Special features
Smart Response
Technology: This feature allows the thermostat to “learn” how long the furnace
and air conditioner take to reach programmed temperature settings, so the temperature is reached at
the time you set. For example: Set the Wake time to 6 am, and the temperature to 70°. The heat will
come on before 6 am, so the temperature is 70° by the time you wake at 6. The message “Recovery”
is displayed when the system is activated before a scheduled time period.
Compressor Protection: This feature forces the compressor to wait a few minutes before restarting,
to prevent equipment damage. During the wait time, the message “Wait” is displayed on screen.
Auto Changeover: This feature is used in climates where both air conditioning and heating are
used on the same day. When the system is set to Auto, the thermostat automatically selects heating
or cooling depending on the indoor temperature. Heat and cool settings must be at least 3 degrees
apart. The thermostat will automatically adjust settings to maintain this 3-degree separation.
CAUTION: To avoid possible compressor damage, do not use Auto Changeover if the
outside temperature drops below 50°F (10°C).