69-2715ES—01 54
System setup
Function Settings & Options
Select System
If you are not sure of
your heating/cooling
system type or have
other questions,
go to
1 Heat/cool: Gas, oil or electric heating with central air conditioning.
2 Heat pump: Heat pump without backup or auxiliary heat.
4 Heat only with fan: Gas, oil or electric heat without central air
5 Heat only (no fan): Gas, oil or hot water heat without central air
6 Cool only: Central air conditioning only.
7 Heat pump: Heat pump with backup or auxiliary heating.
8 Heat/Cool Multiple stages: 2 heat stages (wires on W and W2), 2
cooling stages (wires on Y and Y2).
9 Heat/Cool Multiple stages: 2 heat stages (wires on W and W2), 1
cooling stage (wire on Y).
10 Heat/Cool Multiple stages: 1 heat stage (wire on W), 2 cooling stages
(wires on Y and Y2).
How do I set my heating/cooling system type? (See page 51 for instructions.)