63-2605—5 36
Temperature Display
No Change X No Change: Displayed temperature is actual room temperature.
Can adjust to display up to 3° F (1.7° C) higher or down to 4° F (2.2° C) lower than
room temperature.
TempOverride 3 X X Temporary Occupied Override duration. Range: 1 to 8 hours.
RoomTemp Local X X Room Temperature Input
Local: Use internal sensor; T7770A/D: Use remote sensor.
T7770B/C: Use remote sensor with setpoint adjustment capability (requires PDA).
T7771: Use remote sensor with setpoint adjustment capability (requires PDA); changes
T7771 LED and bypass button operation: LED on means either occupied or bypass,
pushing bypass can cancel bypass.
X X Room Relative Humidity Input.
None: No humidity sensor; Local: Use internal humidity sensor;
Remote: Use remote humidity sensor (0-10 Vdc signal).
Discharge AirTemp None X X Discharge Air Temperature Input.
None: No discharge air sensor; or Remote: Remote discharge air sensor.
Outdoor AirTemp None X X Outdoor Air Temperature Input.
None: No outdoor air sensor; or Remote: Remote outdoor air sensor.
OccSensor 0 X X None: No occupancy sensor; or Remote: Remote occupancy sensor.
AuxDO Time of Day X X Auxiliary Contact Operation:
Time of Day, Economizer, Dehumid Hot Gas BP, or Simple Dehumid.
Auxiliary contact not available if heat pump selected with T7350A.
Key Pad (Lockout) Enable All X X Keypad lockout enable/disable through special keypad sequence.
Enable All (0): No lockout.
SetPts & Ovrrd (1): Lockout all keys except: Temporary (Not) Occupied, S, T and
Info Only (2): Lockout all keys except .
The special keypress features are never locked out.
Recovery Heat RampMin 5° F/hr X Minimum heating recovery ramp rate. Range: 0 to 20° F/hr.
Recovery Heat RampMax 8° F/hr X Maximum heating recovery ramp rate. Range: 0 to 20° F/hr.
Recovery Cool RampMin 3° F/hr X Minimum cooling recovery ramp rate. Range: 0 to 20° F/hr.
Recovery Cool RampMax 6° F/hr X Maximum heating recovery ramp rate. Range: 0 to 20° F/hr.
Recovery Heat OAT@Min 0° F X Minimum heating outdoor air temperature. Range: -20 to 100° F.
Recovery Heat OAT@Max 40° F X Maximum heating outdoor air temperature. Range: -20 to 100° F.
Recovery Cool OAT@Min 90° F X Minimum cooling outdoor air temperature. Range: -20 to 100° F.
Recovery Cool OAT@Max 70° F X Maximum cooling outdoor air temperature. Range: -20 to 100° F.
Demand Limit Control Bump 3° F X Demand limit control set point bump. Range: 0 to 10° F.
Power Failure Seq Start 0 (x10 sec) X X Delays start of equipment (fan, heat, cool) after power restored to thermostat.
Range: 0 to 150 seconds (in 10-second increments).
Enable DAT High Limit None X X None: No Discharge Air Temperature (DAT) high limit; Enable: Use DAT High Limit.
Enable DAT Low Limit None X X None: No Discharge Air Temperature (DAT) low limit; Enable: Use DAT Low Limit.
High Limit DAT Setpoint 110° F X Discharge Air Temperature High Limit Setpoint. Range: 65 to 140° F.
Low Limit DAT Setpoint 45° F X Discharge Air Temperature Low Limit Setpoint. Range: 35 to 60° F.
Dehumidification Min On None X X None: No Minimum On Time dehumidification;
Enable: Dehumidification using Minimum On Time.
Dehumidification Min On Time 5 X Minimum on time used with “Dehumidify Minimum On”. Range: 5 to 15 minutes.
Dehumidification Reset Temp None X X None: No Reset dehumidification; Enable: Dehumidification using Reset.
Table 20. Thermostat Setup Options Through PDA. (Continued)
Configuration Option Factory Default
Tool CnfgID Description
The Factory defaults listed here apply to all subbase models with the exceptions of the items listed in Table 21.
12:00 Noon is the default start point when time is unknown.
Only Available if user selected one or more of following: Dehumidification Reset, Dehumidification Minimum On, or Dehumidification Reheat.
Config ID cannot handle Standby setpoints. Keypad users cannot set Occupied setpoints that violate Not Occupied setpoint relationship. The T7350 algo-
rithm never allows the effective setpoint outside Not Occupied setpoints.