11 63-2666—02
4. Use the Up/Down keys to set the day, then press the
key (Refer to Table 6 for valid day choices).
5. Use the Up/Down keys to set the duration.
The first holiday is now set and pressing the key will take
you to programming the second holiday (denoted by the
number 2 on the screen)
Table 6. Valid Day Values.
Value Description Value Description
1 to 31 Day of month 42 Second Tuesday 53 Third Saturday 64 Fifth Wednesday
32 Last Day of Month 43 Second Wednesday 54 Fourth Sunday 65 Fifth Thursday
33 First Sunday 44 Second Thursday 55 Fourth Monday 66 Fifth Friday
34 First Monday 45 Second Friday 56 Fourth Tuesday 67 Fifth Saturday
35 First Tuesday 46 Second Saturday 57 Fourth Wednesday 68 Last Sunday
36 First Wednesday 47 Third Sunday 58 Fourth Thursday 69 Last Monday
37 First Thursday 48 Third Monday 59 Fourth Friday 70 Last Tuesday
38 First Friday 49 Third Tuesday 60 Fourth Saturday 71 Last Wednesday
39 First Saturday 50 Third Wednesday 61 Fifth Sunday 72 Last Thursday
40 Second Sunday 51 Third Thursday 62 Fifth Monday 73 Last Friday
41 Second Monday 52 Third Friday 63 Fifth Tuesday 74 Last Saturday
Table 7. T7351 Key Function Summary.
Grouping Button Definition
Information Down Arrow Lowers setpoint, day, or time. When setting times or temperatures, hold key down to
continuously decrease value. Also can make temporary change in temperature setpoint.
Information Obtains information (where humidity “high-limit” can be set), cycles through setup
Up Arrow Raises setpoint, day, or time. When setting times or temperatures, hold key down to
continuously increase value. Also can make temporary change in temperature setpoint.
Temperature Occupied
Sets Occupied Heat setpoint.
Sets Occupied Cool setpoint.
Not Occupied
Sets Not Occupied Heat setpoint.
Not Occupied
Sets Not Occupied Cool setpoint.
Set Day Sets day of week. Tapping key with 'Set Value' segment on increases current day (same
effect as Up Arrow key).
Time Sets time. Tapping key with “Set Value” segment on increases time in one hour
Override Temporary
Temporary occupied setting for length of time defined by installer. User can modify
Temporary Not
Sets holiday length. User selects number of days (“0”-”99”), or “---” for continuous
Schedule Day Selects day schedule to modify. (Used also with copy key.)
Occupied Selects occupied event start times for specified day. Repeatedly press this key to toggle
between two occupied events.
Not Occupied Selects not occupied event start times for specified day. Repeatedly press this key to
toggle between two not occupied events.
Clear Start Time Clears start time for specified period and day.
Copy Copies schedule from one day to another.
System Selects System Mode. Toggles through Em Heat, Off, Cool, and Auto.