5 62-0258
Table 3. Installer Setup.
Text Default Choices Notes
DEGREES 0 0 -1 Degree Temperature Format
0: Degrees F
1: Degrees C
CLOCK 0 0 - 1 Clock Display Format
0: 12 hour
1: 24 hour
KEYLOCK 0 0 - 3 Keypad Lockout Level
0: None
1: Lockout all keys except Set Day, Set Time, Set Date, Set Holidays,
Temporary Occupied, Temporary Not Occupied, System, Fan, Up, Down and
2: Lockout all keys except Set Day, Set Time. Set Date, Set Holidays,
Temporary Occupied, Temporary Not Occupied, Up, Down and Information
3: Lockout all keys except Information
HEATPMP 0 0 - 2 Application Type Selection
0: Conventional
1: Heat Pump - Cooling (Energize O/B on call for cool)
2: Heat Pump - Heating (Energize O/B on call for heat)
COOLSTG 1 0 - 4 Number of Cooling Stages
0: 0 Stages of Cooling
1: 1 Stages of Cooling
2: 2 Stages of Cooling
3: 3 Stages of Cooling
4: 4 Stages of Cooling (W3 will be used as 4th stage relay)
HEATSTG 1 0 - 3 Number of Heating Stages
0: 0 Stages of Heating
1: 1 Stages of Heating
2: 2 Stages of Heating (This is the max if 4 cooling stages is selected)
3: 3 Stages of Heating
AUX STG 0 0 - 2 Only shown when Heat Pump is selected
0: 0 Aux Stages
1: 1 Aux Stages
2: 2 Aux Stages
AUX CON 0 0 - 3 Aux Contact Functionality
0: Time of Day
1: Economizer
2: Dehumid - Hot Gas Bypass
3: Simple Dehumid
WALLMOD 0 0 - 3 Remote Room Sensor Selection
0: Local sensor only
1: T7770A/D (Remote Sensor, No Remote Setpoint, Bypass 0)
2: T7770B/C (Remote Sensor, Remote Setpoint, Bypass 0)
3: T7771 (Remote sensor, Remote Setpoint, Bypass 1)
(Display only if sub-base 2, 3, 4+)
(This item is not displayed when
OATSENS 0 0 - 1 Outdoor Air Sensor Selection
0: None
1: Remote Outdoor Air Sensor
DATSENS 0 0 - 1 Discharge Air Sensor Selection
0: None
1: Remote Discharge Air Sensor
HUMSENS 0 0 - 2 Room Humidity Sensor selection
0: None
1: On Board Sensor
2: Remote Sensor
OCCSENS 0 0 - 1 Occupancy Sensor Selection
0: None
1: Remote Occ Sensor
FAN HT 0 0 - 1 Fan Operation on Heat
0: Conventional (Equipment controls Fan)
1: Electric (Thermostat turns on Fan with call for Heat)