
MORN is the time you get up. Generally,
you want the house at a comfortable
temperature when you wake up. Set the
MORN time earlier than your alarm clock
so your home has time to reach the
desired temperature.
DAY is the time you leave for work or
school. Generally, once you leave your
home, you want the temperature higher
or lower (depending on the season) so
that you can save energy while you are
EVE is the time you return from work or
school. Again, you want your home at a
comfortable temperature when you
return and go about the normal activities
of your evening. Set the EVE time earlier
than the time you arrive so your home
has time to reach the desired tempera-
ture before you get there.
NIGHT is the time you usually go to sleep.
While you are sleeping, you can save
energy by setting the thermostat to
control the temperature higher or lower
(depending on the season).
If you choose not to program the thermostat, it
controls the temperature using the following
The cooling temperature remains set to a
constant 78°F.
At 6:00 AM every day, the thermostat sets
the heating temperature to 68°F.
At 10:00 PM every night, the thermostat
reduces the heating temperature to 60°F
You do not need to enter a time and tempera-