
62-0311—13 14
Installer Test (IT) Mode
To enter Installer Test Mode:
Press and hold both the Up arrow button and the
Down Arrow button for three (3) seconds.
This displays all segments of the LCD screen on the LCD.
See Fig. 22 on page 10.
Table 5 provides the Test codes (IT codes) and values. To
enter the IT codes:
1. Press the System (Heat/Cool) button to cycle
through the IT codes, which display in the upper
right above the word Test.
2. Press the Up or Down Arrow buttons to cycle
through the values for the currently displayed IT
code. The values display in the center of the screen.
19 Remote Setback 0 Disabled
1 Hotel card enabled N.O. for unoccupied mode with
1 second software delay going from UnOccupied to
2 minute delay going from Occupied to UnOccupied.
2 Hotel Card enabled N.C. for unoccupied mode with
1 second software delay going from UnOccupied to
2 minute delay going from Occupied to UnOccupied.
3 Hotel Card enabled N.O. for unoccupied mode with
1 second software delay going from UnOccupied to
30 minute delay going from Occupied to
4 Hotel Card enabled N.C. for unoccupied mode with
1 second software delay going from UnOccupied to
30 minute delay going from Occupied to
5 Button Press (Default) Press and hold “Heat/Cool/
Off” button for 3 seconds
and thermostat will go into
“Economy Setback”
20 Remote Setback for
50 to
Range is 50°F to 70°F. Default is 64°F. Used when the thermostat
is in the Unoccupied state.
21 Remote Setback for
72 to
Range is 72°F to 90°F. Default is 79°F.
22 Activity Sensing 0 Disabled (Default) This will be selectable when
IS 19 is set to option 0 or 5.
If IS 19 is configured for
N.O or N.C, activity sensing
will not be available.
1 4 hour sensing
2 8 hour sensing
3 12 hour sensing
4 16 hour sensing
5 20 hour sensing
6 24 hour sensing
23 Freeze Protection 0 Disabled This feature can not
activate when the
application is Cool only.
This function only occurs
when System switch is set
to OFF.
1 Enabled (Default) – Stat cycles On Heat when
room temperature reaches 40°F (4°C), and disables
Heat when room temperature reaches below 46°F
(8°C). The LCD displays FREEZE PROTECT
24 Auto Fan Reset 0 Inactive (Default) Auto Fan Reset is not
allowed (does not display)
when the fan control type is
set to Auto Only, (IS code
#9 - value 1).
1 Resets back to Auto after 2 hours. The start time is
calculated after the initial call for Heat/Cool is
satisfied. Then, the two (2) hour timing begins.
2 Resets back to Auto after 4 hours. The start time is
calculated after the initial call for Heat/Cool is
satisfied. Then, the four (4) hour timing begins.
25 Purge Cycle
0 No periodic purge (other purges still apply) Option 1 Default is normally
recommended to make sure
changeover is detected
quickly on spring and fall
1 Purge every 2 hours (Default)
2 Purge every 24 hours
Table 4. Installer Setup (IS) Codes and Options. (Continued)
Code Code Description
Option Description (Default value shown in
Bold) Notes