rainfall can be displayed in mm or inches. There is a daily rainfall alert that can be programmed in the unit if the daily rainfall
exceeds a pre-programmed limit.
Selecting Rain Window
Press the UP or DOWN arrow buttons on the main unit until the RAIN icon on the display starts flashing.
Viewing Rain Statistics
With the rain icon flashing Press either SET or MEMORY button to recall a rain statistics for the past hour, past 24 hours,
yesterday, past week or past month.
Note: Last Hour rainfall value is displayed as a rate of rain in either “inch/hr” or “mm/hr”.
Rainfall Memory Reset
With the rain icon flashing, press and hold the MEMORY button to reset all rainfall statistics.
Setting Rain Display; inches or mm
With the rain icon flashing, press and hold the SET button to toggle rainfall data units between mm and inches.
Enabling or Disabling Daily Rainfall Alert
• With the rain icon flashing, press the ALARM/CHART button to display either the current rainfall statistics or the daily
rainfall alert with “ALARM HI” displayed.
• If the alert is disabled, the “OFF” will be displayed; otherwise the rainfall alert value will be shown.
• When the rainfall alert is displayed, press the UP or DOWN arrow button to enable or disable it.
Setting up Daily Rainfall Alert
• With the rain icon flashing, press ALARM/CHART button to display the rainfall alert.
• Press and hold ALARM/CHART button until the rainfall alert “ALARM HI” will flash.
• Set the desired value for the Rainfall Alert by using UP or DOWN arrow button. Press and hold either button for fast
digits advance.
• Press ALARM/CHART button to confirm selection and the unit will return to the rainfall alert display.