In UV Mode, press and hold SET to convert units between MED/h and UVI.
Clock and Alarm Mode
Manual Settings
The main unit can be manually set to display the time, calendar or UTC time. There are
three time alarms available on the main unit: Weekday alarm (W), Single alarm (S) and
Ice Warning Alarm (Pre-Al).
• If Weekday alarm is activated, it will sound at the set time and the alarm icon
will flash Mondays through Fridays.
• If Single day alarm is activated, it will sound at the set time and the alarm icon
will flash only for this specific day and will not activate on subsequent days.
• The Ice Warning Alarm is activated at programmed time interval (from 15 to
90 minutes) before the weekday or single alarm, if channel 1 temperature falling
to freezing and below.
Note: Ice Warning Alarm can be set only if one or both - Weekday or Single alarm
are programmed.
The snooze duration for listed alarms can also be programmed up to 15 minutes.
Accessing Clock and Alarm Mode
From the main unit:
Press UP or DOWN until the clock icon
next to the time/date display will flash.
From the handheld remote control: Press
Setting the time, date and language
• In the Clock and Alarm Mode, press and hold SET button until the day of week
language abbreviation “ENG” will flash.
• Press the UP or DOWN selecting the day of the week in English, German,
French, Italian, Spanish or Dutch
• Press SET to confirm selection.
• Select the City Code for your area by pressing UP or DOWN. Refer to P.40 for
a list of available codes.
• Press SET to confirm the selection and enter to the latitude and longitude
programming mode
If you selected the USR as a city code, you will be prompted to enter the latitude,