Z-Wave messages
Setpoint change
be sent by the controller and thermostat will change the setpoint to this value.
System Switch
The thermostat can send the message containing the actual system switch based on system
switch change.
System switch change
Other devices (controllers) are able to change the system switch of the thermostat. After the
message is received by the thermostat, the system switch is changed to desired value (if this
value is seven).
Seven possible switch modes are available for the thermostat: Heat / Cool / Off / Auto / Energy
Saving Heat / Energy Saving Cool / Em Heat. The number of allowed system switch selection
depends on the actual configuration of the thermostat. The thermostat uses "Thermostat Mode
Supported" report command class to tell other devices the actually supported system switch
Thermostat Fan State
The thermostat can send the message containing the actual state of fan based on fan state
change. The Fan state can be either "Auto" or "On".
Thermostat Operating State
based on equipment state change.
The thermostat provides the following operating states:
• Idle-noequipmenton
• Heating-heatingequipmenton
• Cooling-coolingequipmenton
• PendingHeat-minimumofftimeappliedtoprotecttheheatpumpcompressor
• PendingCool-minimumofftimeappliedtoprotecttheheatpumpcompressor
The thermostat can send the message containing the actual Time and Date.
Time/Date change
The time and date is able to be changed on the thermostat. After the report is received, the time
and/or date is changed to the desired value (if this value is possible).
Unsolicited Report Message
Sending the message is possible only if the thermostat is associated with any other node. The
thermostat will send the message using assigned node ID and return route.