8000 Touchscreen Programmable Thermostat
68-0280—01 16
Table 3. Installer Setup Menu.
Installer Setup
Number Installer Setup Name Settings Notes
0120 Date (Year Upper) Select first two digits of current calendar year (2005, etc) 2001 - 2178 available
0130 Date (Year Lower) Select last two digits of current calendar year (05 for year
2005, etc)
2001 - 2178 available
0140 Date (Month) Select number that represents current calendar month —
0150 Date (Day) Select number that represents current calendar date —
0160 Schedule Options 0—nonprogrammable
4—7-day programmable
0170 System Type Selection 1—1 heat/1 cool conventional (factory setting)
2—single-stage heat pump (no auxiliary heat)
3—heat only conventional (no fan) Also for 750mV.
4—heat only conventional (with fan)
5—heat only (power to open and power to close zone
valves or normally-open zone valves)
6—cool only conventional
7—2 heat/1 cool heat pump (with auxiliary heat)
8—2 heat/2 cool multistage conventional
9—2 heat/1 cool multistage conventional
10—1 heat/2 cool multistage conventional
11—2 heat/2cool heat pump (no auxiliary heat)
12—3 heat/2cool heat pump (with auxiliary heat)
Available options and
defaults vary by
thermostat. System
selection automatically
modifies some default
settings and/or hides
other Installer Setup
0180 Fan Control in Heating 0—gas or oil furnace equipment controls fan in heating
(factory setting)
1—electric furnace—thermostat controls fan in heating
Only shown if
conventional system is
selected. If heat pump is
chosen, fan defaults to
0190 Changeover Valve—O/B
Terminal Energized in
Heating or Cooling
(Heat Pumps Only)
0—changeover valve—O/B terminal is energized in
cooling (factory setting)
1—changeover valve—O/B terminal is energized in
Only shown if heat pump
system is chosen.
0200 Backup Heat Source
(Auxiliary Heat)
0—heat pump backup heat source is electric (factory
1—heat pump backup heat source is fossil fuel
Only shown if 2 heat/
1 cool or 3 heat/2 cool
heat pump is chosen
0210 External Fuel Fossil
Fuel Kit
0—no external fossil fuel kit is controlling heat pump
backup heat. This thermostat controls the dual fuel. Must
install outdoor sensor and set Installer Setup Number
0340 to number 2.
1—external fossil fuel kit is controlling heat pump backup
Only shown if fossil fuel is
chosen as backup heat
0220 Cycles per hour (cph) for
1st Stage Compressor
3—cph recommended for compressors (factory setting)
1, 2, 4, 5, 6—
other cycle rate settings
0230 Cycles per hour (cph) for
2nd Stage Compressor
3—cph recommended for compressors (factory setting)
1, 2, 4, 5, 6—other cycle rate settings
Only shown if two stages
of cool are selected.
0240 Cycles per hour (cph) for
1st Stage Conventional
1— 1 cph used for steam and gravity
3—3 cph used for hot water system and high efficiency
(90% or better) furnaces
5—5 cph used for standard fossil fuel forced air (less than
80% efficient) systems (factory setting)
9—9 cph used for electric furnaces
2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12—other cycle rate settings
Not shown if system
selection is heat pump.
Selection in this stage
changes default cph for
2nd stage heat.
0250 Cycles per hour (cph) for
2nd Stage Heat (Aux
Heat for 2H/1C Heat
1—1 cph used for steam and gravity
3—3 cph for hot water systems and high efficiency (90%
or better) furnaces
5—5 cph for standard fossil fuel forced air (less than 90%
efficient) systems (factory setting)
9—9 cph used for electric furnaces or electric auxiliary
heat for heat pump systems
2, 4, 6, 7, 8, 10, 11, 12—other cycle rate settings
Only shown if two stages
of heat are selected.