
9 69-2475EFS—03
EConnect™ TL9160AR
Following the heating schedule
Run Schedule appears on the screen when the thermostat is following the programmed
schedule. Your thermostat has been programmed with an energy-saving schedule which
can reduce your heating expenses.
Monday to Friday
(Mo, Tu, We, Th & Fr)
Saturday and Sunday
(Sa & Su)
Period Starting time Temperature Starting time Temperature
Wake 6:00 AM (6h) 70°F (21.0°C) 8:00 AM (8h) 70°F (21.0°C)
Leave 8:00 AM (8h) 62°F (16.5°C) - - - - - -
Return 6:00 PM (18h) 70°F (21.0°C) - - - - - -
Sleep 10:00 PM (22h) 62°F (16.5°C) 10:00 PM (22h) 62°F (16.5°C)
The schedule consists of 4 periods per day, which represents a typical weekday. However,
you can program the thermostat to skip (cancel) the periods that do not apply to your
situation. For example, Leave and Return periods are skipped for the weekend in the
default schedule. You can choose a different program every day; i.e., each period can have
a different starting time and a different temperature every day.