
Diagnosis: If PM does not reverse, check to see if CB S4 and S5 dip switch settings
are in the factory default position. If S4 dip switch 3 and 4 are adjusted to 3 off and
4 on, WV and harvest pump timer relays energize. Once these relays energize, the
pump motor rotates in the freeze cycle rotation. See "III.B. Wiring Diagrams." Check
PM circuit and capacitor, check #5 pin (DBu wire) on CB K1 ten-pin connector for
voltage, harvest pump timer X1 and X relays (auxiliary code T-0 and U-0), X10 and
X11 relays (auxiliary code U-1 and later). If water does not pump out, check and clean
the check valve assembly and tubing.
7) Normal Harvest Cycle same as the initial harvest cycle – Return to "IV.A.4) Initial
Harvest Cycle."
8) Shutdown
When the unit is running hold ice in contact with the thermostatic bulb, the thermostatic
BC switch opens within 10 seconds, shutting down the unit. The bin control is factory
set, and generally no adjustment is required. However, adjustment may be needed in
some conditions, particularly at higher altitude locations. Diagnosis: See "IV.C. Bin
Control Check."
Legend: BC–bin control; CB–control board; Comp–compressor; FM–fan motor;
FMR–fan motor-remote; F/S–oat switch; HGV–hot gas valve; HM–headmaster
(C.P.R.); LLV–liquid line valve; PM–pump motor; TXV–thermostatic expansion
valve; WV–inlet water valve