
HotBrick, Tel: 305
0888, Fax: 30
10: Device Status
Once both the Dual WAN VPN Firewall and the PCs are configured, operation is
automatic. However, some additional Internet configuration may be required for your
specific network.
Refer to Chapter 6 - Advanced Features for further details.
Device status – System status
Connection Status Current status – either "Connected" or "Disconnected".
Connection Type The type of connection used – DHCP, Fixed IP, PPPoE or PPTP.
"Force Renew" button– Only available when using a dynamic IP address (DHCP). Clicking
this button will perform a DHCP "Renew" transaction with the ISP's DHCP server. This will extend
the allocation period for your current WAN IP.
IP Address – The public WAN address of the Dual WAN VPN Firewall, as seen from the Internet.
This IP Address is allocated by the ISP (Internet Service Provider)
Subnet Mask The Network Mask (Subnet Mask) for the above IP Address.
Gateway - The default gateway for this subnet.
DNS IP Adress The DNS server address is supplied by your ISP if needed.
MAC address – The MAC address of the WAN 1 interface.
LAN Information
IP Address – The LAN IP Address of the VPN 1400/2 Firewall Router.
Subnet Mask The Network Mask (Subnet Mask) for the IP Address above.
MAC Address – The MAC (physical) address of the Dual WAN VPN Firewall.