
HotBrick Network Solutions
NAT Setting
NAT (Network Address Translation) is the technology which allows one (1) WAN (Internet) IP
address to be used by many LAN users.
Figure 4-9: NAT
Settings – NAT
NAT Routing – You can enable or disable NAT through the check box. If you
disable NAT checkbox, it will act as a bridge or Static Router. Most features
will be unavailable.
TCP Timeout – Enter the desired value to use on both WAN ports. The
default is 300.
UDP Timeout – Enter the desired value to use on both WAN ports. The
default is 120.
TCP Window Limit – Enter the desired value to use on both WAN ports. The
default is 0 (no limit).
TCP MSS Limit – Enter the required MSS (Maximum Segment Size) to use
on both WAN ports. The default is 0 (no limit).,
Disable Port Translation –If some packets whose port number cannot be
translated for special applications, you must input value in port range for
Disable Port Translation”
NAT Alias
For each alias entry, the Wan IP acts as an alias IP of the host with Local Lan
IP to internet via the specified WAN port for the specified Protocol packets
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