VPN Configuration – Tunnel to HotBrick Unit
VPN Tunnel List– here you can add a new tunnel or change an existing one from the list. The
router allows a maximum of 50 tunnels.
Tunnel Name– In order to distinguish the tunnels, you have to give the “Tunnel” a unique name.
Tunnel – The tunnel can be connected only after the tunnel check box is enabled.
WAN port – You can choose WAN1, WAN2 or Any to make the VPN connection.
Local Security Network– These entries identify the private network on this VPN router. The
can use the LAN-to-LAN connection. You can choose a single IP address, the subnet,
or a selected IP range to make a VPN LAN-to-LAN connection.
Remote Security Network– These entries identify the private network on the remote peer VPN
router whose hosts can use the LAN-to-LAN connection. You can choose a single IP address, the subnet,
or a selected IP range to make a VPN connection
Remote Security Gateway – You can select the remote-side IP address (WAN IP address) as your
remote security gateway
Preshared Key – Choose a shared secret for this entry, this must be the same on both units.
Connect – this button will initiate the tunnel
Submit Query – this button will add the policy
VPN Configuration – Tunnel to HotBrick Client