If the appliance does not work, before calling for Assistance (see Assistance), check for a solution from the following list.
The internal light does not illuminate.
The refrigerator do not cool well.
The food inside the refrigerator is
beginning to freeze.
The PURE WIND fan does not rotate.
The motor runs continuously.
The appliance makes a lot of noise.
The alarm sounds and the lamp
The alarm sounds and the set
temperature indicator lights flash
indicator light which is turned off).
The back wall of the refrigerator unit
is covered in frost or droplets of
There is water at the bottom of the
Possible causes / Solutions:
• Theplughasnotbeeninsertedintotheelectricalsocket,ornotfar
enough to make contact, or there is no power in the house.
• Thedoordonotcloseproperlyorthesealsaredamaged.
• Thedoorareopenedtoofrequently.
• ThesetTEMPERATUREindicatorlightisdisplayinganincorrectreading.
• Therefrigeratorhavebeenover-filled.
• ThesetTEMPERATUREindicatorlightisdisplayinganincorrectreading.
• Thefoodisincontactwiththebackinsidewalloftherefrigerator.
• ThePUREWINDsystemisonlyactivatedautomaticallywhenitbecomes
necessary to restore perfect operational conditions inside the refrigerator
• Thedoorisnotclosedproperlyoriscontinuouslyopened.
• Theoutsideambienttemperatureisveryhigh.
• Theappliancehasnotbeeninstalledonalevelsurface(see Installation).
• Theappliancehasbeeninstalledbetweencabinetsthatvibrateandmake
off. This is not a defect, it is normal.
will stop sounding when the door is shut.
checking the state of the foodstuffs: they may need to be removed. In this
situation, the product continues functioning as in the normal functioning
mode. The buzzer can be stopped by simply opening and closing the
door. To stop the indicator lights from flashing, it is necessary to turn
off the appliance using the adjustment button (OFF), then use the same
button to switch on the appliance and restore normal functioning at the
desired temperature.
• Thewaterdischargeholeisblocked(see Maintenance).