Food Pre-heat
Time in mins. Position in Oven
Scones Yes 210/220 10-15 Runner 2 from bottom of oven.
Small Cakes Yes 180/190 20-25 Runner 2 from bottom of oven.
Victoria Sandwich Yes 170/180 20-30 Runner 2 from bottom of oven.
e Sandwich (fatless) Yes 180/190 20-25 Runner 2 from bottom of oven.
Swiss Roll Yes 200/210 10-15 Runner 2 from bottom of oven.
Semi-rich Fruit cakes Yes 150/160 60-75 7 inch Runner 1 from bottom of oven.
Rich Fruit cakes) Yes 140/150
Time Dependent
on size
Runner 1 from bottom of oven.
Shortcrust Pastry Yes 190/200
Time Dependent
on recipe
Runner 1 or 2 from bottom of oven.
Puff Pastry Yes 200/210
Time Dependent
on recipe
Runner 1 from bottom of oven.
Yorkshire Puddin
Yes 190/200 30-40 Runner 1 or 2 from bottom of oven.
Individual Yorkshire Puddin
s Yes 200/210 20-30 Runner 2 from bottom of oven.
Milk Puddin
Yes 140/150 90-120 Runner 1 from bottom of oven.
Baked Custard Yes 150/160 40-50 Runner 1 from bottom of oven.
Bread Yes 200/210 30-45 Runner 1 from bottom of oven.
ues Yes 100 150-180 Runner 2 from bottom of oven.
Top Oven Temperature
Charts - Baking
Note: If soft margarine is used for cake making, temperatures recommended by the manufacturers should be
followed. Temperatures recommended in this chart refer to cakes made with block margarine only.