132 3B. Web and Data Services
When you are signed in to Google Talk, your online status in Google Talk will also appear in other Google
Apps such as Gmail and Google Maps.
Chatting with Friends
To start a chat:
1. Tap a friend in the Friends list.
2. Chat with your friend by entering text using the onscreen keyboard.
3. After entering your message, tap Send.
To switch between active chats:
You can switch between chats if you have more than one chat going.
1. While on a chat screen, press and tap Switch chats.
2. In the list of all active chats, tap the friend you want to chat with.
To invite a friend to join a group chat:
While on a chat screen, press , and then tap
Add to chat.
Tap the friend you want to invite. The friend you invited and the current participants receive an invitation to a
group chat. Each one who accepts the invitation joins the group chat.
Tip: To insert a smiley, press and tap More > Insert smiley. Tap a smiley to insert it into your message.
Tap to change
your picture.
Tap to change
your online status.
Tap to change
your online
status message.
Opened chat.
Tap to open the
chat screen.
Tap to switch chat with this friend.