Push Button Elements Specification Sheet 2040-1
Hubbell Industrial Controls, Inc.
A subsidiary of Hubbell Incorporated
4301 Cheyenne Dr., Archdale, NC. 27262
Telephone (336) 434-2800 • FAX (336) 434-2803
Rubber Boots &
Mushroom Caps
Hubbell has a large assortment
of replacement boots, buttons,
push-pull caps, and mushroom
caps in red, green, yellow and
black. They also have
specially marked "Stop" caps.
Cord Connector Kits
Hubbell has the patented
Ring that grips the
cord like a vise when the fitting
is tightened. With the addition
of the neoprene brushing,
Hubbell's connectors are
unsurpassed in liquid-tight
performance and pull-out
Name Plates
Hubbell has nameplates made
from chemically resistant fiber.
They are available as blanks or
with special engravings.
Pilot Light Lenses/Bulbs
Hubbell has red, amber, green,
white, blue, and clear pilot light
lenses that are interchange-
able with the original lenses.
They also have replacement
incandescent and neon bulbs.
Nut Wrenches
Hubbell has nut wrenches
specifically designed to simpli-
fy the installation of pushbut-
tons and selector switches,
even those with mushroom
Add-A-Block Contacts
Hubbell has Add-A-Block con-
tacts, which can add additional
circuits to a 22mm pushbutton.
With the addition of an Add-A-
Block it is possible to construct
pushbuttons with a total of six
circuits. Available in 2-NO, 2-
NC and NO/NC combinations
Dimensional Illustrations