Limited Service Fire Pump Controller
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Coil and Contact Replacement
Figure VI-1 Magnet Assembly and Retainers
Coil Replacement* Contact Replacement*
1. Isolate all power sources. Complete steps 1 through 5 in left column.
2. While pressing against the coil, pull up slightly
on the coil retainers and swing away from coils.
Remove the magnet assembly from the molded
cover and movable arm.
3. Pull the magnet assembly, coil, molded cover,
and movable arm from the contactor.
Remove the return spring from the center of
movable arm.
4. Remove the spring clip and remove the
armature from movable arm.
Remove the molded cover from movable arm.
5. Remove the coil from the magnet. Press and slide the movable contact and spring
from movable arm.
6. Replace the coil and reassemble. Remove the screws holding stationary contacts
in place and remove stationary contacts.
7. Replace contacts and reassemble.
Notes for re-assembly*:
a. The molded cover only fits one way.
b. The magnet and movable arm fit either way but operates more quietly if reassembled the
same way before removal.
c. Do not attempt to remove or replace arc traps in cover.
*Source: General Electric, GEH-5168