Hubbell’s Compact Pendant
Stations are typically used to
control industrial cranes and
hoists or the remote control
of industrial machines.
This high-quality pendant sta-
tion features a tough molded
polymer housing that meets
the most rigorous requirements
of industrial applications and
their environments for control
of electric hoists. The compact
pendant is rated NEMA 4X
when used with the cord
connector kit.
• Safety Yellow high impact
polymer enclosures.
• A compact pendant sta-
tion engineered to fit the
hand comfortably.
• Choice of single-speed,
two-speed, or on-off
Compact Pendant Pushbutton
NEMA Type 4X Enclosure
440/428-1161 • Fax 440/428-7635
• Mechanical interlock on
reversing stations prevents
actuating both pushbuttons
• UL and CSA listed.
• Ambient Temperature
Range –20° to 158°F
(–29° to 70°C)
• Optional - Cord Connec-
tor Kit - to permit use in
NEMA 4X watertight,
dust-tight, and corro-
sion resistant appli-
cations or for out-
door use.
Industrial plants have
expanded the use of
electric motor driven
hoists (over the chainfall
types) as the need for
greater hoist capacity has
increased. These electric
motor hoists are an excel-
lent application for the
Hubbell Compact Pen-
dant. Especially in areas
where the stations are sub-
ject to operational abuse.
Locations include jib cranes
on building columns, small
overhead hoists on gantry
cranes, and even the operation
of hoists applied to single
girder cranes.
These pendant stations are
designed for the comfort of the
operator in controlling the hoists
and built to withstand hostile
environments in the industrial
Most of the electric hoists have
reversing electrical relays or
contactors which can be con-
trolled from a single control con-
tact and these pendant stations
are designed for those hoist ap-
plications, not for the direct
power handling of the motor
current in the pendant station.
Jogging operation of floor-
mounted machines away from
the main operator’s station is
generally associated with only
one motion, easily handled by
the pendant station applied to
an umbilical cord.
These stations have also been
used very successfully for winch
control on recreational vehicles
and tow trucks and for dock
control with carriers in the
food industries.