
10. Appendix
User’s Manual
• RF (Radio Frequency)
Television signals are modulated onto RF signals and are then demodulated by your television’s or
STB’s tuner.
• RS-232C
A connection to allow you to connect to a PC to update receiver’s software.
A 21-pin connector standard to connect two pieces of Audio-Visual equipment such as a TV and a VCR.
Each device will have a 21-pin female connection; a cable with male connection at both ends is used
for connecting the devices.
A credit card sized card that contains updateable chip memory. It is used for accessing Pay TV
(encrypted) channel or services when inserted into an appropriate receiver.
S/PDIF (Sony/Philips Digital Interface format)
A standard format for the transfer of digital audio signals. It allows the transfer of digital audio
between two devices without any conversion to and from analogue, which could degrade the signal
• Transponder
A satellite is divided up in parts called transponders. A transponder is one distribution section of the
satellite. Each transponder can be used for distribution of several channels or services.